Funeral of the Dead Butterflies

Two separate versions, different species

Funeral (Disposan)


Ref needs remade entirely


OUTDATED AND NEEDS REWRITING, YEAH I'M FINALLY DOING IT... EVENTUALLYFuneral is a Disposa, an organic creature created by the Entia of Death. He spent his first many years under the guidance of Memoriam, the butterfly Disposa that carried out the purpose of organizing memorial services before me. When Memoriam retired and Funeral took on his task, Memoriam's title, "of the Dead Butterflies," was passed on to him.After the first hundred years Funeral grew bored of living in the Outer Realms, and left to do his job elsewhere, as Entia do not often die.wip

Universes Visited

- The Outer Realms - This source is owned by Oppy!!! - Funeral was "born" and raised in Death's domain.
- Alt TL of our reality - Pre- and Post-LCorp. He worked as a mortician and funeral director. Ran a funeral home (actually a handful; he migrated to new towns when he had to). May have done the same in other sources, we'll see.
- Death by Dying - Pre-LCorp. He was the Obituary Writer, rather than an undertaker, since there was already a coroner in town.
- Welcome to Nightvale - Post-LCorp. He visited sometime after escaping the Corp with Der Frei. Appeared on the radio show and befriended many locals.

Canonmate Pages


Project Moon


Description coming soon

The Burrowing Heaven

Project Moon


Fun tree friend! I quickly figured out their need for attention, and felt bad that they didn't receive more, so I visited their room a lot when the facility closed after dark.We most often talked about our lives before being caught by the Corp. They seemed to most enjoy hearing about the worlds I've visited and the work I did in them. I don't think I ever managed to properly explain to them what a bicycle is, or how one could move on its own.I happened to find them breaching at least once, during work hours. I occasionally would go out and visit them in place of the agents, but that time I just found an empty room, and them in the hall.Most iconic occurrence was when we were all woken up by Diminuendo blasting Rickroll at 4 a.m. We had to work together to stop Dim and the orchestra from playing. thanks again for that bro i still havent caught up on that sleep

The Silent OrchestraLobotomy Corporation



He was so gay for Woodsman, man. Those hecking himbos, man.Dim would come to my door and blast meme music at 4 am when I wasn't out walking or visiting other abnormalities. aka the one out of four nights when i was sleeping instead. thanks broWe hecking wingmanned for each other and it was such a cursed mess oh god

Cecil Palmer

Welcome to Night Vale


Very quickly became friends with this disaster gay upon entering Night Vale via dimensional scissors.He attempted to help me find Der after the town's mysteriousness managed to separate us, but it's hard to find a particular shadowy man when there are so many literal shady figures in town.I cameoed on the radio a few times, we talked about bugs and being gay.

Funeral (Entorrhan)